Sunday, December 14, 2014

From 2 to 3

Repeating problem (task) that I encounter during migration from Python 2 to Python 3:

* class advice impossible in python3. use the @implementer class decorator instead...
More or less similar with this issue:
zope.interface has had a feature for 10 years under Python2 which can't be made to work portably under Python3. It is spelled like:
from zope.interface import Implements

class Foo(object):
There is a newer, Python3-compatible spelling, which the pyramid trunk now uses (as of today):
from zope.interface import implementer

class Foo(object):
(That spelling only works under Python >= 2.6)
* ImportError: No module named 'urlparse'
simply refer to this page:

urlparse is part of the standard Python 2 library. It's shipped as part of Python; it isn't packaged separately on PyPI et al. urlparse.urlparse (the function) was renamed in Python 3 to urllib.parse.

If you need to write code which is Python2 and Python3 compatible you can use the following import
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import urlparse work for me

* ImportError: No module named 'ConfigParser'

What I normally do:
import configparser as ConfigParser
ImportError: No module named 'StringIO' 
The StringIO and cStringIO modules are gone. Instead, import the io module and use io.StringIO or io.BytesIO for text and data respectively.
    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
ImportError: No module named 'HTMLParser' 
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from html.parser import HTMLParser

class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        print("Encountered a start tag:", tag)
    def handle_endtag(self, tag):
        print("Encountered an end tag :", tag)
    def handle_data(self, data):
        print("Encountered some data  :", data)

parser = MyHTMLParser()
            '<body><h1>Parse me!</h1></body></html>')
ImportError: No module named httplib
In Python 3, the module has been renamed to http.client
import http.client
httpRequest = ""
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("localhost",8080)
response = conn.getresponse()
ImportError: No module named urllib2
In python 3 urllib2 was merged into urllib. To make Python 2 code work in Python 3:
    import urllib.request as urllib2
except ImportError:
    import urllib2
import urllib.request
wp = urllib.request.urlopen("")
pw =
ImportError: No module named 'BaseHTTPServer'
BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer modules in Python 2 have been merged into http.server module in Python 3. Sample:
import http.server
import ssl

httpd = http.server.HTTPServer(('localhost', 4443), http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, certfile='server.pem', server_side=True)
* TypeError: the JSON object must be str, not 'bytes'
In short; decode:
result = json.loads(response.readall().decode('utf-8'))
* TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing
Refer to this similar issue:
* NameError: global name 'unicode' is not defined
Yes, again this is Python 3. Python 3 renamed the unicode type to str, the old str type has been replaced by bytes.
if isinstance(unicode_or_str, str):
    text = unicode_or_str
    decoded = False
    text = unicode_or_str.decode(encoding)
    decoded = True
In short; use str(*)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Field ??? not expected

  • Python 3.4 (using virtualenv)
  • Pyramid 1.5.2
  • Jinja2 (as Template Engine)
  • SimpleForm (hacked for compability with Python 3)
  • FormEncode
So I encounter the error which from the stack trace I almost cannot conclude anything. By debugging SimpleForm (yes, you read it correctly... debugging) finally I able to capture the real error messages which is like

field submit not expected
field _csrf not expected

With the real error message in hand, the quick googling deliver me to this link:

Oh ok, seems like I need to add something to my schema
class MySchema(Schema):
    allow_extra_fields = True
    filter_extra_fields = True

    name = validators.UnicodeString(min=5)
    value = validators.Int()
Yes, it's because of allow_extra_fields and filter_extra_fields, and the curiosity of "why" lead me to this page:
which stated:
Note the use of the allow_extra_fields and filter_extra_fields attributes. These are recommended in order to remove unneeded fields (such as the CSRF) and also to prevent extra field values being passed through.
Oh Desson, please RT*M!