Monday, September 20, 2010

InvalidOperationException During Debugging

I got InvalidOperationException when debugging my code:

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
  Message="Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'StatusBar' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."
The exception only occur on debugging mode, no problem at all at release mode

After quick and dirty investigation, this code is the one causing exception:
// Activate Watcher Thread
watcherThread  = new Thread(new ThreadStart(watcher));
watcherThread.IsBackground = true;

And this is the function
//  WATCHER - Background Threads   //
#region Watcher
private void Watcher()
 long lngTimeoutTick = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10).Ticks;
 while (true)
  if (watchThreadActive)
   // ...
  if (DateTime.Now.Ticks > lngTimeoutTick)
   // ...
   lngTimeoutTick = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10).Ticks;
  System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(watcherWaitTime * 1000);

#endregion Watcher
one of the lines in the function must be the actual 'culprit', but the (also quick and dirty) workaround is to commented out the 'blamed' code during debugging
// Activate Watcher Thread
//watcherThread  = new Thread(new ThreadStart(watcher));
//watcherThread.IsBackground = true;
Don't forget to uncomment selected lines after debugging. We don't want to have 'production issue' later

Monday, July 12, 2010

Since I'm Working in The Bank

I need to familiarize myself with banks/financial terms. In case you are also interested, here some:
  • Nostro and Vostro: Ours and Yours Account (wikipedia)
  • End of Day (EOD) or Close of Business (COB), check wikipedia in "Batch window" section. In a bank, for example, so-called end-of-day (EOD) jobs include interest calculation, generation of reports and data sets to other systems, printing statements, and payment processing - this is also what happen in "my bank".
  • Basel Accords, check wikipedia for Basel I, Basel II, and Basel III
  • About forex, check "Financial instruments" section, especially spot, forward, and swap.
  • Still in forex, check about NDF and exotic currencies. Yes, exotic :p
  • Check about margin trading, let me know if you are interested :p
OK, those view terms for beginning... Is it easier to remember than 'interface', 'singleton', 'prepared statement' or not?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Oracle Buys Sun

Redwood Shores, CA - April 20, 2009
Oracle Corporation (NASDAQ: ORCL) and Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ: JAVA) announced today they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Oracle will acquire Sun common stock for $9.50 per share in cash. The transaction is valued at approximately $7.4 billion, or $5.6 billion net of Sun’s cash and debt.
It's a "Sun"set? What will happen to Java?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

IBatis.NET in Action

Seeing Ibatis action in the JPetstore make me wonder if there is similar framework is available in .NET platform. A fellow in JUG Indonesia also claimed that Ibatis increase his productivity in project's development. Now there is a good news, Ibatis is available in .NET as Ibatis.NET. Below are my POC of IBatis.NET

The interface: IReferenceCodeDao.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

using Dallanube.VIP.Cafestol.Model.Setup;

namespace Dallanube.VIP.Cafestol.Dao.Factory.Setup
    public interface IReferenceCodeDao
        IList GetReferenceCodesByCriteria(ReferenceCode code);
        ReferenceCode GetReferenceCode(ReferenceCode code);
        String GetReferenceCodeDescription(ReferenceCode code);
        Object AddReferenceCode(ReferenceCode code);
        int UpdateReferenceCode(ReferenceCode code);
        int DeleteReferenceCode(ReferenceCode code);
        IList GetReferenceCategoryByCriteria(ReferenceCode code);
        ReferenceCode GetReferenceCategory(ReferenceCode code);        

DAO implementation: ReferenceCodeDao.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

using Dallanube.Caffeine.Dao.Persistence;
using Dallanube.VIP.Cafestol.Model.Setup;
using Dallanube.VIP.Cafestol.Dao.Factory.Setup;

namespace Dallanube.VIP.Cafestol.Dao.Persistence.Setup
    public class ReferenceCodeDao : BasePersistenceDao, IReferenceCodeDao
        public IList GetReferenceCodesByCriteria(ReferenceCode code)
            return ExecuteQueryForList("GetReferenceCodesByCriteria", code);

        public ReferenceCode GetReferenceCode(ReferenceCode code)
            return (ReferenceCode)ExecuteQueryForObject("GetReferenceCode", code);

        public String GetReferenceCodeDescription(ReferenceCode code)
            return Convert.ToString(ExecuteQueryForObject("GetReferenceCodeDescription", code));

        public Object AddReferenceCode(ReferenceCode code)
            return ExecuteInsert("AddReferenceCode", code);

        public int UpdateReferenceCode(ReferenceCode code)
            return ExecuteUpdate("UpdateReferenceCode", code);

        public int DeleteReferenceCode(ReferenceCode code)
            return ExecuteUpdate("DeleteReferenceCode", code);

        public IList GetReferenceCategoryByCriteria(ReferenceCode code)
            return ExecuteQueryForList("GetReferenceCategory", code);

        public ReferenceCode GetReferenceCategory(ReferenceCode code)
            return (ReferenceCode)ExecuteQueryForObject("GetReferenceCategory", code);
XML Mapping: ReferenceCode.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<sqlMap namespace="ReferenceCode"
xmlns:xsi="" >

    <typeAlias alias="ReferenceCode" type="Dallanube.VIP.Cafestol.Model.Setup.ReferenceCode, Dallanube.VIP.Cafestol.Core" />
    <typeAlias alias="ReferenceCategory" type="Dallanube.VIP.Cafestol.Model.Setup.ReferenceCategory, Dallanube.VIP.Cafestol.Core" />

    <resultMap id="ReferenceCodeResult" class="ReferenceCode">
      <result property="Category" column="CATEGORY"/>
      <result property="Code" column="CODE"/>
      <result property="Description" column="DESCRIPTION"/>
      <result property="MapCode" column="MAP_CODE"/>
    <resultMap id="ReferenceCategoryResult" class="ReferenceCategory">
      <result property="Category" column="CATEGORY"/>
      <result property="Description" column="DESCRIPTION"/>
      <result property="Int01" column="INT01"/>
  <!-- =============================================
    <select id="GetReferenceCodesByCriteria" resultMap="ReferenceCodeResult">
      from REF_CODE
      <dynamic prepend="WHERE">
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="Category">
          CATEGORY = #Category#
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="Code">
          CODE like '$Code$%'
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="Description">
          DESCRIPTION like '%$Description$%'
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="IsTitle">
          IS_TITLE = #IsTitle#

    <select id="GetReferenceCode" resultMap="ReferenceCodeResult">
        from REF_CODE
        WHERE CATEGORY = #Category#
        and CODE = #Code#

    <select id="GetReferenceCodeDescription" resultClass="String">
      select DESCRIPTION from REF_CODE
      where CATEGORY = #Category#
      and CODE = #Code#
      and IS_TITLE = #IsTitle#
    <select id="GetReferenceCategory" resultMap="ReferenceCategoryResult">
      select code1.CATEGORY, code2.CODE, code1.INT01, code2.DESCRIPTION
      from (
      select category, count(code) int01 from REF_CODE
      group by category
      ) as code1
      left join REF_CODE code2
      on code1.CATEGORY = code2.CATEGORY
      and code2.IS_TITLE = 1
      <dynamic prepend="WHERE">
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="Category">
          code1.CATEGORY = #Category#
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="Description">
          code2.DESCRIPTION like '%$Description$%'
    <insert id="AddReferenceCode" parameterClass="ReferenceCode">
      insert into REF_CODE
      (#Category#, #Code#, #Description#, #IsTitle#, #MapCode#)

    <update id="UpdateReferenceCode" parameterClass="ReferenceCode">
      update REF_CODE set
      DESCRIPTION = #Description#,
      MAP_CODE = #MapCode#
      where CATEGORY = #Category#
      and CODE  = #Code#
      and IS_TITLE = #IsTitle#
    <update id="DeleteReferenceCode" parameterClass="ReferenceCode">
      delete from REF_CODE
      <dynamic prepend="WHERE">
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="Category">
          CATEGORY = #Category#
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="Code">
          CODE = #Code#
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="IsTitle">
          IS_TITLE = #IsTitle#

Base class for Dao, all DAO class inherit from this: BasePersistenceDao.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text;

using IBatisNet.Common.Exceptions;
using IBatisNet.Common.Pagination;
using IBatisNet.DataAccess;
using IBatisNet.DataAccess.Interfaces;
using IBatisNet.DataAccess.DaoSessionHandlers;
using IBatisNet.DataMapper;

namespace Dallanube.Caffeine.Dao.Persistence
 ///   Desson Ariawan
 public class BasePersistenceDao: IDao
        protected const int PAGE_SIZE = 4;
        private ISqlMapper localSqlMap;

        protected String tableName;
        public String TableName
                return tableName;
                tableName = value;
        ///         /// Looks up the parent DaoManager, gets the local transaction
        /// (which should be a SqlMapDaoTransaction) and returns the
        /// SqlMap associated with this DAO.
        ///         /// The SqlMap instance for this DAO.
        protected ISqlMapper GetLocalSqlMap()
            if (localSqlMap == null)
                IDaoManager daoManager = DaoManager.GetInstance(this);
                SqlMapDaoSession sqlMapDaoSession = (SqlMapDaoSession)daoManager.LocalDaoSession;

                localSqlMap = sqlMapDaoSession.SqlMap;
            return localSqlMap;

        ///         /// Simple convenience method to wrap the SqlMap method of the same name.
        /// Wraps the exception with a IBatisNetException to isolate the SqlMap framework.
        protected IList ExecuteQueryForList(string statementName, object parameterObject)
            ISqlMapper sqlMap = GetLocalSqlMap();
                return sqlMap.QueryForList(statementName, parameterObject);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IBatisNetException("Error executing query '" + statementName + "' for list. Cause: " + e.Message, e);

        ///         /// Simple convenience method to wrap the SqlMap method of the same name.
        /// Wraps the exception with a IBatisNetException to isolate the SqlMap framework.
        protected IList ExecuteQueryForList(string statementName, object parameterObject, int skipResults, int maxResults)
            ISqlMapper sqlMap = GetLocalSqlMap();
                return sqlMap.QueryForList(statementName, parameterObject, skipResults, maxResults);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IBatisNetException("Error executing query '" + statementName + "' for list. Cause: " + e.Message, e);

        /////         ///// Simple convenience method to wrap the SqlMap method of the same name.
        ///// Wraps the exception with a IBatisNetException to isolate the SqlMap framework.
        //protected IPaginatedList ExecuteQueryForPaginatedList(string statementName, object parameterObject, int pageSize)
        //    ISqlMapper sqlMap = GetLocalSqlMap();
        //    try
        //    {
        //        return sqlMap.QueryForPaginatedList(statementName, parameterObject, pageSize);
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e)
        //    {
        //        throw new IBatisNetException("Error executing query '" + statementName + "' for paginated list.  Cause: " + e.Message, e);
        //    }

        ///         /// Simple convenience method to wrap the SqlMap method of the same name.
        /// Wraps the exception with a IBatisNetException to isolate the SqlMap framework.
        protected object ExecuteQueryForObject(string statementName, object parameterObject)
            ISqlMapper sqlMap = GetLocalSqlMap();

                return sqlMap.QueryForObject(statementName, parameterObject);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IBatisNetException("Error executing query '" + statementName + "' for object. Cause: " + e.Message, e);

        ///         /// Simple convenience method to wrap the SqlMap method of the same name.
        /// Wraps the exception with a IBatisNetException to isolate the SqlMap framework.
        protected int ExecuteUpdate(string statementName, object parameterObject)
            ISqlMapper sqlMap = GetLocalSqlMap();

                return sqlMap.Update(statementName, parameterObject);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IBatisNetException("Error executing query '" + statementName + "' for update. Cause: " + e.Message, e);

        ///         /// Simple convenience method to wrap the SqlMap method of the same name.
        /// Wraps the exception with a IBatisNetException to isolate the SqlMap framework.
        protected object ExecuteInsert(string statementName, object parameterObject)
            ISqlMapper sqlMap = GetLocalSqlMap();

                return sqlMap.Insert(statementName, parameterObject);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IBatisNetException("Error executing query '" + statementName + "' for insert. Cause: " + e.Message, e);

        protected DataSet ExecuteQueryForDataSet(String statement)
            ISqlMapper sqlMap = GetLocalSqlMap();
                IDbCommand objCmd = sqlMap.LocalSession.CreateCommand(CommandType.Text);
                objCmd.CommandText = statement;

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                IDbDataAdapter objDA = sqlMap.LocalSession.CreateDataAdapter();
                objDA.SelectCommand = objCmd;

                return ds;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IBatisNetException("Error executing statement for DataSet. Cause: " + e.Message, e);

        protected IDataReader ExecuteQueryForDataReader(String statement)
            ISqlMapper sqlMap = GetLocalSqlMap();
                IDbCommand objCmd = sqlMap.LocalSession.CreateCommand(CommandType.Text);
                objCmd.CommandText = statement;

                if (objCmd.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

                IDataReader dr = objCmd.ExecuteReader();
                return dr;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IBatisNetException("Error executing statement for DataSet. Cause: " + e.Message, e);
Pretty cool, heh? I'm using it in my Windows application with Spring.NET Reference:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Current Development Stack

Here is the stack that I use per January 2010

I'm using Visual Studion (.NET) 2008

C# is my main programming language. Use less and less VB.NET nowadays.

UI / Presentation
ASP.NET with Infragistics controls, or:
Windows application also with Infragistics controls. I'm still using standard Windows Forms, not WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)

Business Layer
Although lot of projects I currently maintain now are mostly in Spaghetti code, I already start to use Spring.NET frameworks. The projects structure also replicating Spring project's structure

Data Access Layer
The abuse use of SqlConnection is excessive in my current projects, so I start to use iBatis.NET in new project. So far so good!

Database Server
Mainly using SQL Server 2008. But specific to Times Software, we also using Advantage Database Server. The ugly truth is, you cannot use Advantage with iBatis.NET

Source Control

That's my development stack.

PS: on my leisure time, I learn Java (with JSF and facelet) on MySQL database. I build a simple application to maintain my movie collection using this stack. Pretty good I must say.